BICSI Standards Program History

In January 1995, BICSI President Wes Summers and the BICSI Board of Directors appointed Boyd Uppman as the founding Chairman of the BICSI Standards Committee (BSC).

The first BSC meeting took place at the 1995 BICSI Spring Conference in Hunt Valley, Maryland. Theron (TJ) Roe, RCDD was appointed Secretary at the BICSI Fall Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, that same year.

The original mission of the BSC:

  • Monitor standards-making bodies and advise the BICSI membership of standards proposals

  • Influence standards-making bodies with proposals that serve the interest of telecommunications performance

In 1996, Ed Phillips, RCDD/INSTF was appointed Chairman of the BSC with TJ Roe serving as Secretary.

The first BSC subcommittee was established to propose edits for the standard known as ANSI/EIA-310-C; Cabinets, Racks, Panels, and Associated Equipment

In 1998, TJ Roe, RCDD was appointed Chair of the BSC with George Thorning, RCDD, serving as Secretary. They would provide a decade of leadership for the BSC.

BICSI Standards Program Milestones